Thursday, June 21, 2012


On your mark, get set, wait!
It seems that everyone in my world is waiting on something: a deal, a job, a visa, a phone call,  an email, a check... and on it goes that character building, patience trying thing known as the waiting process.

I feel like we are all lined up waiting for the "go" to be called! "Go!" so we can start breathing again, planning again, laughing again. There must be a trick to trick yourself into thinking you aren't waiting! For sure, standing still is deadly.

So let's all stay in motion and feel confident that something good lies ahead and be open to whatever that "good" turns out to be.  Getting what we want can be very staisfying... immediate gratification at its best!  And sometimes, not getting what we think we should have is the best thing that could happen...delayed gratification at its best!  No matter what, there will be gratification because everyone in my world who is waiting is so deserving. Come what may, the "go" will  be an adventure!

On your mark, get set.....

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